Saturday, October 17, 2009

Forttified Training Website

This week has been very interesting. It's all about Leadership! Today's daily bread says it all and I quote "Giants hold a special place in our lore—both historical and literary. From the real giant Goliath to the fictional giant of Jack and the Beanstalk fame, we are fascinated by these larger-than-life characters.
Sometimes we use the word giant to honor ordinary-size people who have done extraordinary things. One example is the 17th-century physicist Sir Isaac Newton. A committed Christian, he credited his success to other “giants” who had gone before. “If I have seen a little further,” he said, “it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Indeed, Newton became a giant on whose shoulders later scientists stood—even as they used his observations in the conquest of space flight.
How does this relate to Forttified Training you ask? Well because of Giants like Martin Luther King, Napoleon Hill. Earl Nightingale and countless others We are able to bring knowledge to whomever is seeking it from the child in school to the soldier coming back from a tour of duty. From the inmate in prison to the corporate executive and everyone in between. From the United States to around the globe!

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